Arise Legislative Day 2025
Your voice matters! Make plans now to speak up for a better Alabama for all at our Legislative Day on March 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Alabama State House in Montgomery.
Legislative Day is an annual opportunity for Arise members and friends to meet their lawmakers and make the case for policy changes to improve the lives of everyday Alabamians.
Click the button below to register by March 12.
The Alabama Maternal Health Toolkit
This Alabama Arise toolkit provides critical information on maternal health, Medicaid coverage, health care access and community resources. We hope this guide will help new moms, expectant mothers, health care advocates and other readers understand available health care options and provide the confidence needed to take the next steps in securing and maintaining necessary care.

Want to know what's happening at the state house?
Read the Daily News Digest
The Arise Daily News Digest is a daily roundup of news and opinions from across Alabama and across the country on issues important to Arise supporters. This is an exclusive benefit for Arise members. Click below to learn more or sign up!